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Retinopathy of Prematurity

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP): Retinopathy of Prematurity is a blinding disease which occurs in preterm newborn babies. As the retina in these babies is not mature, it can develop abnormal blood vessels leading to bleeding or retinal detachment. Failure to screen such babies leads to irreversible lifelong blindness.
Hence every baby born at less than 36 weeks gestation and less than 2kg weight should be screened within 30 days of birth by a trained ophthalmologist. Treatment of ROP involves laser, intravitreal injections or surgery.

Stage 1: Demarcation line

Stage 2: Ridge

Stage 3: Extraretinal neovascularization

Stage 4A: Tractional detachment not involving macula
Stage 4B: Tractional detachment involving macula

Stage 5: Total retinal detachment

APROP (Aggressive Posterior ROP)
After resolution of ROP, these babies require lifelong follow up due to higher chances of development of refractive errors, squint and retinal diseases.
Being attached to Omega Children’s Hospital and its NICU, Daksh Netralaya is fully equipped to handle these delicate babies. Dr. Kaustubh Harshey has been trained by renowned ROP specialist Dr. Subhadra Jalali at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. He routinely performs ROP screenings at the hospital and laser procedures for babies requiring treatment.
If you have a baby that requires ROP screening/treatment, book an appointment with us today!