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Glaucoma: The Silent Killer of Eyesight

Introduction: Glaucoma causes progressive damage to the optic nerve due to rise in intraocular pressure.
Glaucoma affects 3-4% of the general population according to studies in South India. That means in Jabalpur city alone there would be a potential 60000 glaucoma patients!!
NO EARLY SYMPTOMS: If the pressure is not very high, glaucoma does not cause pain or any symptoms that can warn the patient about the disease. Hence, frequently the disease is undetected until it becomes advanced.
Normally, fluid produced inside the eye is drained at a steady rate keeping the eye pressure in normal range (10-21mm Hg). If however the drainage routes are blocked or abnormal production of fluid occurs then pressure can rise which can damage the optic nerve that carries vision to our brain.
Symptoms of glaucoma:


Pain Around the Eyes

Colored Haloes

Blurred Vision

Visual field loss in advanced causes

Blue eyes or enlarged eyes in cases of Childhood Glaucoma
Who is at risk?
- Individuals with family history of glaucoma
- Patients with hypertension and diabetes

Normal individuals above the age of 40 years.

Myopia and hyperopia: high refractive error

Steroid users

Patients with advanced cataract
As glaucoma is a silent disease we recommend that ALL INDIVIDUALS ABOVE THE AGE OF 40 YEARS should have a complete eye checkup including dilated fundus examination to rule out glaucoma. In addition, those with a family history of glaucoma should have it done earlier. At Daksh, we subject all our patients to be checked for glaucoma. Our diagnostic modalities include:

Complete eye evaluation with slit lamp biomicroscopy

Eye pressure testing with gold standard Applanation Tonometry.


OCT optic nerve head: using Topcon SDOCT

Anterior segment OCT and Pachymetry.

Visual Field evaluation using Optopol perimeter.
If you are found to have glaucoma, treatment depends on the stage and severity of the disease:
Mild to Moderate Glaucoma

Antiglaucoma Medications

Laser Treatment
Advanced Glaucoma: Surgery
How to use glaucoma eye drops:
- Wash your hands.
- Be careful not to let the tip of the dropper touch any part of your eye.
- Make sure the dropper stays clean.
- If you are putting in more than one drop or more than one type of eye drop, wait five minutes before putting the next drop in.
- Start by tilting your head backward while sitting, standing, or lying down. With your index finger placed on the soft spot just below the lower lid, gently pull down to form a pocket.
- Look up. Squeeze one drop into the pocket in your lower lid. Don't blink, wipe your eye, or touch the tip of the bottle on your eye or face.
- Close your eye. Keep closed for three minutes without blinking.
- Gently press on the inside corner of your closed eyes with your index finger and thumb for two to three minutes to keep the drops from draining into your throat.
- Wipe any excess drops on the skin.