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Neuro Ophthalmology

Neuro-ophthalmology is a subspeciality which deals with the relationship of eye with the brain and disorders associated with it.
Eye is referred to as the extension of the brain. The optic nerve which carries vision detected in the eye for processing to the brain can be affected due to diseases affecting the nerve or the brain.
Symptoms of neuro-ophthalmological diseases:
- Blurred vision
- Defective field of vision
- Double vision
- Headache
- Transient blurring of vision
The common neuro-ophthalmological diseases are:

Optic neuritis: This is secondary to inflammation/infection in the optic nerve. The most common cause for which is Multiple Sclerosis which is a systemic neurological disease.

Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: The blood supply to the optic nerve can be compromised due to systemic diseases such as hypertension or giant cell arteritis leading to swelling in the optic nerve and reduction in vision.

Papilledema: This is swelling in the optic nerves of both eyes usually due to rise in intracranial pressure. Common causes for papilledema are Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, brain tumours, head injury etc.

Cranial Nerve Palsies: Diseases like diabetes, head trauma, stroke etc can damage nerves which are responsible for eye movements. Lack of coordination in eye movements can lead to double vision.
At Daksh Netralaya we liaise with prominent neurologists and neurosurgeons of Jabalpur to give our neuro-ophthalmology patients the holistic care they deserve. We perform squint evaluation, color vision testing, fundus photography and optic nerve head OCT for such patients.