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Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy usually occurring due to a rise in the intraocular pressure. Early to moderate glaucoma is generally well managed with eye drops but advanced and aggressive glaucoma may require surgery.
Types of Glaucoma Surgery:
- Trabeculectomy: This is the gold standard of glaucoma surgery and involves creation of a filtering bleb that constantly filters aqueous humor outside the eye to reduce the eye pressure.
- Glaucoma Mini Shunts: Recently developed technology involves placement of small shunts in the eye that direct aqueous humor outside the eye thus reducing the eye pressure
- Glaucoma Shunt Surgery: These are typically performed for aggressive glaucomas wherein a valve or a non valved shunt is placed to reduce intraocular pressure.
- Cyclophotocoagulation or Cyclocryotherapy:In refractory and painful glaucoma destruction of the ciliary body using diode laser or cryotherapy reduces the eye pressure permanently. This is a destructive procedure often leading to loss of vision.
Daksh Netralaya is equipped with all the facilities to perform quality glaucoma surgery.